
Showing posts from January, 2023

Happy Blockheads Wednesday

                                                   This is the quilt I'm working on right now - "Home for the Holidays" using  Deb Strain's newest fabric line  "At Home for the Holidays." It's snowing here right now and my internet is being freaky so of course I need to download something before I can go any further. I'm telling you all of this because my blog post will have to go online later than usual since I'm downloading at the pace of a snail. Hang in there and I'll post as soon as I can.  :) Well, it took most of the day but everything  got downloaded and then uploaded I got up, made my coffee and fed the outside birds. I always listen to the morning news on Fox while I drink my coffee and I never listen to the news until I've filled my outside bird feeder. We have lots of cardinals and watching  them helps offset and digest the news:) Somewhere in there Jeff comes down and gets a fire started in our woodturning stove  in the firep